wba-degrees finally in National Qualification Framework (NQF)

On the 25th of June 2020 the wba-certificate "Certified Adult Educator" was mapped to NQF qualification level 5 and on 30th November 2021 the wba-diploma "Graduated Adult Educator" was mapped to NQF qualification level 6.

Find out about the details of the wba-qualification "certified adult educator" and the wba-qualification "graduate adult educator" and their levels in the register (including learning outcomes and descriptors) on the NQR-Website.

Since January 2020 non-formal qualifications can be mapped to the NQF, the wba-certificate being one of the first two non-formal qualifications to be entered into the register. It was mapped to level 5. In November 2021 the wba-degree followed (mapped to level 6).

The mapping is a step into the direction of formalization. The idea behind the NQF – and the EQF, the European Qualifications Framework" is, to make qualifications between Member States comparable and transparent. A mapping into the NQF correlates with a mapping into the EQF.
Other qualifications mapped to level 5 are graduations from vocational high schools like the Handelsakademie (Business High School) or Höheren Technischen Lehranstalt (Technical High School).
Mapped to level 6 are for instance universitäre Bachelorstudien (Bachelor Degrees) or the various Meisterausbildungen (Master Craftsmen Trainings)

In regard to the professionalisation of Adult Education the mapping of the wba-certificate to the NQF contributes to a stronger visibility of adult education as a vocational field.

What is in it for wba-graduates?

Every wba-candidate who is awarded their wba-certificate after the 1st of July 2020 will find the NQF-Logo and a reference to the NQF mapping on their degree. Therefore their degree can be easily compared with other qualifications mapped to the NQF or EQF. The NQF-register lists all the learning outcomes and requirements for holders of a wba-certificate and thereby displays what a wba-certificate stands for.
The first wba-diplomas mit NQF-Logo and reference to the NQR mapping will be issued after the first final exam "Fachgespräch" in 2022.

"Die Zuordnung des wba-Zertifikats zum Nationalen Qualifikationsrahmen macht deutlich, dass das Zertifikat der Weiterbildungsakademie Österreich (wba) formal hochstehende Kriterien erfüllt. Die wba leistet damit einmal mehr einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Professionalisierung der Erwachsenenbildner/innen in Österreich. Wir freuen uns, dass die professionelle Leistung von Erwachsenenbildner/innen damit noch besser sichtbar wird."

Mag.a Regina Barth
Leiterin der Abteilung Erwachsenenbildung im BMBWF

What is the purpose of NQF?

The National Qualification Framework (NQF) is an instrument for mapping qualifications from the Austrian education system. Its aim is to act as a transparency tool and facilitate the orientation within the Austrian education system and to support the comparability and comprehensibility of Austrian qualifications in Europe. The NQF includes formal, non-formal and informal qualifications.
For more information about the NQF please visit the English website of The Coordination Point for the National Qualification Framework.

For more information please visit

Überblick: alle bestehenden NQR-Zuordnungen

Nationale Koordinierungsstelle für den NQR

Handbuch für die Zuordnung von Qualifikationen zum Nationalen Qualifikationsrahmen (NQR)

NQR-Info-Blätter zu den Niveaus I-VIII


Council recommendation of 22 May 2017 on the European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning and repealing the recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2008 on the establishment of the European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning

Lernergebnisorientierung - von der wba erklärt

Fachmagazin erwachsenenbildung.at zum Thema Nationaler Qualifikationsrahmen

erwachsenenbildung.at: Was die Zuordnung von Qualifikationen zum NQR für Bildungsanbieter bringt

Ich denke, von dem wba-Qualitätsstandard profitiert die ganze Weiterbildungsbranche – sowohl die einzelnen Bildungseinrichtungen, die Inhaber eines wba-Zertifikats und vor allem die Menschen, die unsere Aus- und Weiterbildungen in Anspruch nehmen.
wba-Absolvent Wolfgang Huber

Mag. Wolfgang Huber

Trainer und Leiter des Bildungsinstituts Bambus - Weiterbildung und Beratung e.U., wba-zertifizierter Erwachsenenbildner