wba´s committees

wba´s work is supported by the following decision making bodies:

1. Steering Committee

The Steering Committee has pedagogical responsibility for wba. It takes care of organizational, personal, financial and marketing matters. It is responsible for the evaluation and further development and deals with requests concerning complaints. The Steering Committee is set up of members of the Cooperative System. If needed the Steering Committee can appoint additional experts.

2. Accreditation Board

The Accreditation Board reviews all applications handed in by candidates and education providers. It furthermore deals with issues of quality and monitoring. The committee comprises independent experts active at the interfaces between AE and commerce, research, university education and other pedagogical higher educational establishments.

The members of the accreditation board are:

  • Mag. Dr. Walter Hans Degendorfer, Pädagogische Hochschule Burgenland
  • DI Dr. Hemut Fennes, Universität Innsbruck (Vorsitzender)
  • Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Ekkehard Nuissl, DIE Bonn
  • MMag.a Dr.in Karin Schubert, 2move (2. deputy)
  • Mag.a Sabine Tritscher-Archan, Institut für Bildungsforschung der Wirtschaft (1. deputy)


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Für mich ist das Faszinierende an der Zertifizierungswerkstatt, dass die Teilnehmer:innen ihre Kompetenzen durch ihr Wirken, ihr Kommunizieren, ihr Wesen, ihre Energie, ihr Tun, ihre Interaktionen, ihr Charisma, ihre Persönlichkeit – ihr Sein – nachweisen können.

Mag. Gerhard Ratz

Unternehmensberater, Personalentwickler, Salzburg; Leiter der Zertifizierungswerkstatt der wba