Two-level-certification system with two degrees

wba issues two degrees: a certificate and based on the certificate a diploma.

On the basis of a two-level modular qualification profile the relevant competences are submitted and recognised.
Whilst the certificate confirms basic competences in all four fields of adult education, the diploma focusses on the specific field of adult education the graduate is working in (either Teaching, Guidance/Counselling, Educational Management or Librarianship).

wba-certificate: Certified Adult Educator

The wba-certificate is aimed at candidates working in adult education.

The following competences must be acquired:

  • Educational theory Skills
  • Didactic Skills
  • Management Skills
  • Counselling Skills
  • Digital Skills and Media Competence
  • Social Skills
  • Personal Skills
  • General optional modules (foreign languages or ICT-knowledge) can be
  • proven
  • Compulsory optional modules to the extent of 9 ECTS (wba) must be proven

Further requirements:

  • Attendance of the certification workshop
  • 500 hours of practical experience (at least 1 year)

For further information please consult the wba-qualification profile.

In order to be awarded a wba-certificate candidates have to:

  • have practically acquired skills and demonstrate hands-on experience
  • submit evidence for all the required competences (including Educational Theories, Social and Personal Skills and basic skills in all of the four competences related to wba´s four target groups).
  • take part and pass the "Certification Workshop", a three-day-assessment including a test on educational theories.

wba-diploma: Graduated Adult Educator

The wba-diploma is aimed at those who specialise in one of the four areas of adult education (either in a teaching, advisory, pedagogically responsible, organizational, managerial or librarianship capacity) and demonstrate a wide range of practically applicable experience as well as theoretical knowledge.

In order to be awarded the wba-diploma candidates have to:

  • prove all the required competences (including Educational Theories, Social and Personal Skills and a special focus on one of the four competences related to wba´s four target groups)
  • write a work-related thesis on a subject from the area they specialise in
  • take part and pass the final oral exam.

On the diploma-level candidates can choose between four different diplomas, depending on the area they specialise in:

  • wba-diploma with a focus on teaching/group supervision/training
    Teachers in the field of adult education implement an institution's educational curricula. This can be achieved either through common teaching or through conveying information or through other means, for instances by initiating educational processes and by supporting learning processes.

  • wba-diploma with a focus on educational management
    In principle educational managers´ area of activity ranges from the assumption of management functions, the responsibility for the teachers to the coordination of organizational - administrative matters.

  • wba-diploma with a focus on counselling
    Counsellors in the field of adult education are involved in counselling settings in which learning, education, work and profession play a central role.

  • wba-diploma with a focus on librarianship
    Librarians are responsible for setting standards according to which libraries can be run smoothly as centres for education, information and culture. In principle their duties range from library management tasks, the acquisition and provision of information to event planning and the provision of literature.

Overview of the competences necessary for each respective area on the diploma-level:

Graduate adult educator with a focus on:

Teaching/group supervision/training

Educational management



The following competences must be proven:

Didactic Skills

Management Skills

Counselling Skills

Librarianship Skills

Educational Theory Skills

Social Skills

Personal Skills

Work-related thesis (with focus on the chosen specific area, ie. either teaching, educational management, counselling or librarianship and information management)

Description of Leadership and Management Skills in regard to their specific area (ie. leadership in counselling, teaching etc.)

The following competences can be proven optionally:

Counselling Skills

Management Skills

Librarianship Skills

Optional modules

Counselling Skills

Didactic Skills

Librarianship Skills

Optional modules

Didactic Skills

Management Skills

Librarianship Skills

Optional modules

Counselling Skills

Management Skills

Didactic Skills

Optional modules

Further requirements:

Compulsory practically acquired skills and hands-on experience

Final exam


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In den drei Assessment-Tagen der Zertifizierungswerkstatt wurden wir intensiv gefordert. Die kritische Reflexion der eigenen Arbeit und das umfassende Feedback der Gruppenleiterin und Kolleg:innen waren sehr wertvoll und bereichernd. Vieles davon konnte ich bereits umsetzen. Vielen Dank.

Karin Wöhrer, MBA

Inhaberin Agentur Wöhrer, Certified Management Consultant, wba-zertifizierte Erwachsenenbildnerin